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Access to information

Legal framework

The right to access information and reuse information is exercised in accordance with the Law on the Right to Access Information (Official Gazette 25/13).

The goal of the Law is to enable and ensure the realization of the constitutionally guaranteed right to access information and reuse of information by natural and legal persons through openness and transparency in the work of public authorities.

The right to access information is based on the principles of public access and free access, timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of information, the principle of equality, the principle of information availability, and, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, item 5 of the Law, "includes the right of users to request and obtain information, as well as the obligation of public authorities to enable access to requested information, and to publish information regardless of the request when such publication is required by law or other regulation."

Information, in the sense of the aforementioned Law (Article 5, paragraph 1, item 3), represents "any data possessed by a public authority in the form of a document, record, file, register, or in any other form, regardless of the manner in which it is presented (written, drawn, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or some other record)."

Reuse of information, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Law, "means the use of information of a public authority by natural or legal persons, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, other than the original purpose within the framework of public work for which the information was created. The exchange of information between public authorities for the purpose of performing their duties does not constitute reuse."

Law on the Right of Access to Information (NN 25/13)

Criteria for Determining the Amount of Compensation for Actual Material Costs and Costs of Information Delivery (NN 12/14)

Commissioner for Information

Information officer

In accordance with the Law on the Right to Access Information, by the decision of the director on January 28, 2015, the information officer of the Port Authority of Šibenik was appointed.

Marketing specialist

Katarina Mrvica


+385 (0)22 218 001


+385 (0)22 200 362


+385 (0)99 439 6981


The Information Officer performs the following tasks:

  1. Carries out the regular publication of information in accordance with the internal structure of the public authority, as well as the processing of individual requests for access to information and reuse of information,
  2. Improves the way information contained in official documents relating to the work of the public authority is processed, classified, stored, and published,
  3. Provides necessary assistance to applicants regarding the exercise of rights established by the Law on the Right of Access to Information.

Decision on the Appointment of the Information Officer.


A request to exercise the right of access to information is submitted:

  • In writing using the provided form, marked "Request for access to information", to the postal address: Lučka uprava Šibenik, Vladimira Nazora 53, 22000 Šibenik
  • By email to:
  • By fax at: 022 200 362
  • Verbally by calling: 022 218 001


According to the Law on the Right of Access to Information, a written request must contain:

  • The name and address of the public authority to which the request is addressed
  • Details necessary for identifying the requested information
  • The name, surname, and address of the natural person submitting the request
  • The name, i.e., the legal entity's name and address that submitted the request
  • The requester is not obliged to state the reasons for requesting access to the information.

Users of the right of access to information are exempt from paying administrative fees. We will send the response to your oral or written request for the right to access information within the legally prescribed period of 15 days from the day of submission of the request.


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