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Environment protection

To meet European standards, the Port Authority of Šibenik has created conditions for improving and achieving higher standards in environmental protection. In this regard, the collection of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is organized within the port of Šibenik, and the maximum utilization of secondary raw materials is ensured.

Contracts have been signed with companies for waste management (metal waste, nylon, batteries, used motor oils, oil filters, and old car tires).

In accordance with legal regulations, all stationary sources of air pollution are reported, and projects are being developed to replace old technologies with new ones that are environmentally friendly and meet the strictest environmental criteria. Aware of the issue of environmental pollution, the Port Authority of Šibenik will continue to make efforts to preserve the environment, respecting the Law on Environmental Protection of the Republic of Croatia, as well as working systematically to harmonize with the standards of the European Union, and to follow modern ecological trends in the world.

Environmental Protection Policy

Port Authority Šibenik recognizes sustainable development as a fundamental aspect of future business management and realizes that the pursuit of economic growth and maintaining a healthy environment are closely linked.

Port Authority Šibenik

• By promoting sustainable development, they will strive to ensure that environmental protection
requirements are incorporated into business decisions and port activities

• Business operations and activities within its management area will be aligned with applicable
domestic and European environmental protection laws and regulations.

• They will establish a monitoring system to detect possible negative impacts of port activities
on the environment, using specific indicators to track changes in its state

• They will take preventive measures that reduce potential environmental damage, even where the
probability is not high, but the consequences could be serious.

• It will conduct environmental education and familiarize employees with good environmental protection practices.

• Commits to annual reporting to the public on environmental protection methods and the state of the environment

Politiku zaštite okoliša dužni su primjenjivati svi zaposlenici i korisnici lučkog područja pod
upravljanjem Lučke uprave Šibenik.

Used legal regulations related to environment and nature:

Environmental Protection Act (NN 82/94, 128/99)
Nature Protection Act (NN 70/05)
Water Act (NN 107/95, 150/05)
Air Protection Act (NN 178/04)
Waste Act (NN 178/04)
Noise Protection Act (NN 20/03)

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